Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saturday night 8/22

My long time friend, fellow Lamplighter, and fellow Michigan Transplantee, is Dan Yelen pictured here at the Yerba Buena Theater Marquee of My Fair Lady.

It was the 3rd time I saw this production and was by far their best! It really peaked on Saturday night. Gone were the technical problems from the 8/15 matinee. What I saw on Saturday night was a strong, fluid, first rate staging of a classic musical. Kudos to the whole company!

Seeing so many fellow Lamplighter friends also attending was an unexpected treat. Many of us had been in the 1992 production of MFL and we had a great time reminiscing.

Upon arriving home, I had another glass of that delightful 1995 Langtry Meritage I had opened the night before. It was about 12:30AM when I drifted off to sleep, "while visions of MFL danced in my head."

1 comment:

  1. It was indeed a good show. And it was "loverly" to see you in the lobby!
